Tips to cook a low carb keto meal at home
Tips to cook a low carb keto meal at home Keeping up with a keto diet plan for beginners and making sure that a person follows it is not an easy thing because of the fact a person might get bored with the eating routine and start to dump it. However, with the use of the internet, there are a lot of recipes that are being shared on the internet that makes sure that a person does not get bored with the diet plan. Thus, making something that is delicious and healthy following the keto diet plan. For the breakfast, egg casseroles are the best options to go for which is very simple to make at home. Tomatoes are softened in a pan with a little bit of olive oil. Eggs are beaten and coriander is added to them with a bit of seasoning. In a baking dish, the egg mixture along with the tomatoes are added and baked until done. It is very important to have a lunch menu that is according to the keto diet plan for beginners. Blue cheese and bacon salad is a perfect combination of the freshness ...