How to Lose Weight - This is the dilemma of our century

Are you tired of the never-ending ads of things that claim to help you reduce weight fast? Perhaps these ads on T.V and social media make you tense because you are trying to lose weight without success. Losing weight can become very hard when you keep coming back to the starting point. It is not hard to know How to lose weight and many of the solutions even work; the harder part is the maintenance of the weight. There are many people who start the journey to healthy weight with considerable success but they come back to where they started after sometime.  Over a period of time, you will see these people shifting between two positions- smart and over-weight.
What makes people gain weight after they have lost it with much effort? Why do they lose control after having gotten into shape? What is so strong an influence that makes them slowly forget about the hard work involved in losing weight? These are important questions because answers to them can solve the ‘maintenance’ issue. If you look around and pay attention, you will notice that people eat out of feelings/ emotions instead of hunger. We eat mostly not always, because we are hungry but because we are either very happy or interminably sad. What has that to do with weight gain? This is the real issue; your emotions can send powerful signals of the dire need to eat the wrong things and make you fat. This is called Emotional Eating!
This kind of eating can reverse your lost weight in mere days. You can go back to the condition where your body craved sugar and carbohydrates. This is a very dangerous condition and those who are trying to lose weight know the intensity of this predicament. When your body shifts back to craving sugar and carbs, then you are rendered powerless. You eat with even more zeal than before because you think you have earned the right after withholding for long. This behaviour is made worse with the habit of Emotional Eating. You will lose all control on your diet with this frame of mind.
You can always lose weight with diets but you have to learn to control the emotions alongside cravings. In fact, you have to break the taboo that celebration is only possible with food or that food can make you feel better when you are down. When you separate feelings from food, then you know how to stay healthy and smart without over exerting yourself. Learn How to Lose Weight in the true sense by separating your cravings from your emotions. If you succeed in this task, then you can attain long-term fitness.
 Click here to know more about  איך לרזות  (How to Lose Weight)


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